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Human Behaviour and Biases Microlearning Program
Introduction to Microlearning Program: Trailer Clip
1. Episode #01: What biases lie beneath? (5:51)
2. Episode #02: Can we trust in our intuition? (1:44)
3. Episode #03: The power of emotional neutrality (3:05)
4. Episode #04: A little nudge is all we need (1:55)
5. Episode #05: The spin doctor (2:15)
6. Episode #06: Do we throw away the keys of rationality? (1:45)
7. Episode #07: Chemistry of the brain – a cocktail of bias (1:37)
8. Episode #08: Gorillas in the mist – inattention blindness (2:35)
9. Episode #09: The power of a single word (1:26)
10. Episode #10: A watchful eye on honesty – the art of priming (2:39)
11. Episode #11: Blink of an eye (2:46)
12. Episode #12: The power of story telling (1:35)
Multiple Choice Quiz
Downloadable PDFs
TEAM TOOL: Conversation Starter Toolkit
WHITE PAPER: The Bias That Lies Beneath
INFOGRAPHIC: Episode Guide
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