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Change Essentials
The Art of Modern Change Management
Learner Package
Downloadable PDFs
Change Essentials Template Library
Curated Resources
Learning Clips
Clip 0. Introduction and Welcome (2:09)
Clip 1. Getting into Change Management (4:16)
Clip 2. Creating Your Change Canvas (7:32)
Clip 3. Running a Force Field Analysis Session (3:27)
Clip 4. High Level Change Impact Assessment (7:41)
Clip 5. Using the Stakeholder Commitment Curve (8:40)
Clip 6. Building Your Change Champion Network (4:41)
Clip 7. Developing an Employee Persona (4:51)
Clip 8. Building an Employee Journey Map (7:32)
Clip 9. Running a Session on How Our Brains Respond to Change (7:36)
Clip 10. ESNs for Collaboration and Communication (8:11)
Clip 11. Visual Management and Change Dashboards (5:24)
Clip 12. Running a Retrospective (6:06)
Clip 13. Running a Lean Coffee Session (5:12)
Clip 14. Building Your Story for Change (6:12)
Clip 15. Culture Hacking with Social Learning (3:58)
Downloadable PDFs and Method Cards
0. Introduction and Welcome - Learner Package
1. Getting Into Change Management - Interview Preparation
2. Creating Your Change Canvas - Tips and Completed Example
3. Running a Force Field Analysis
4. High Level Change Impact Assessment - and Tips on Document Control
5. Using the Stakeholder Commitment Curve - Three Method Cards
6. Building Your Change Champion Network
7. Developing an Employee Persona
8. Building an Employee Journey Map
9. Running a Session on How Our Brains Respond to Change - Three Method Cards
10. Enterprise Social Networks (ESNs) for Collaboration - Method Card and Sample Content Calendar
11. Visual Management and Change Dashboards - Method Card and Sample Dashboard
12. Running a Retrospective
13. Running a Lean Coffee Session
14. Building Your Story for Change
15. Culture Hacking with Social Learning
Online Quiz
Where to from here?
Receiving Your Digital Credential
BONUS CONTENT: Change Discovery Toolkit
Change Discovery Templates - Editable
Change Discovery User Playbook
Teach online with
3. Running a Force Field Analysis
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